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Comments (10)

Hoster - 26 July 15:29

Doux, aime sa chatte. Appelez-moi, caresse ma chatte seul avec vous, et moi seul.

Rafalski - 2 October 22:14

Ici plus magnifique putains: chic et elegant poupées et soignée putains. Souhaiter qualitativement passer temps entoure seduction chatons.

Wm - 4 April 04:38

Well, because most of them are literally vagina sculpted, but vibrators can be and often are penis shaped and molded. Dildos, doubly so. Furthermore, penis toys are often shaped like whole women, butts, labia, the whole nine. Now, given that it's an object being used for sexual gratification, I don't really see anything wrong with it, but there is an argument that could easily be made for how so many of them look very humanoid, where as many vibrators basically don't.

Conrad - 2 October 11:37

I want to thrust my dick in both her cunt and her ass and fuck her mercilessly.

Minch - 23 July 04:51

Her looks are "okay" but that's about it.

Fermin - 4 July 12:38

I want sum of that in me. 7063999600. All bottom white boy needs a black master

Pasquale - 10 December 14:35

If you have money i have dick