Putains Harare

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Comments (8)

Stephen - 21 September 14:53

Veux vous homme dans son de soie lits, moi ici triste quand vous n’etes pas la!

Moan - 8 June 11:11

Par Brian Chikwava. Quand je rentrai du travail, le lendemain, Tafi était toujours chez moi.

Maryann - 22 April 18:42

The impression I got is that they're using the term solely in the context of people rejecting those within the binary for that reason and that reason only. I'm neutrois and pansexual, and I get REALLY angry when people give my partner grief simply for being cis-het. The arbitrary Fuck allies attitude needs to stop.

Schaberg - 13 April 04:00


Chet - 9 October 10:50

Look it is not racist when you do not find members of other races sexually attractive people like what they like. I'm a white lesbian who just happens to prefer black women for a number of reasons on top of I find them lovely. As the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Tommie - 28 July 14:19

I need a best friend I can lick

Douglass - 15 March 08:25

Could you please put up a link to the article?