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Comments (7)

Fitz - 11 March 18:51

Attrayant et passionne, brillant apparence. Je vais creer une atmosphere paradisiaque et je satisferai meme le plus expert hommes.

Nicky - 14 October 22:29

Bonjour à tous, Nous sommes 3 amis de longue date : Lucile c'est moi , Oriane et Paul.

Merle - 30 December 04:10

Репетиция выпускного

Rothrock - 7 June 12:49

This seemed good through most of it, but then I realized she is operating squarely under the same old system of men doing all the asking.

Maybell - 20 May 04:11

I see a lot of people calling BS on this study in the comments. Rather than get pissed off at the political incorrectness of this study, can we all just absorb it as an interesting sex-knowledge video that may not necessarily represent modern day society, but it may very well have been completely viable back in the day. Unless there are similar studies conducted with more recent participants we can't really be conclusive when we talk about it.

Melynda - 25 November 10:26


Amirian - 3 October 13:39

You are my new favorite person, genuine, funny and weird :)