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Comments (10)

Urreta - 9 February 21:55

Reve vous toi dans lit, moi seul tres ennuyeux quand je suis seul!

Peralto - 16 May 21:54

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Brockway - 5 February 22:14

if any, they make them hard on themselves. as described, the internet is full of bbws admirers. but also irl, there are personals, clubs, etc. otherwise they'd never get laid or married to begin with. just remember, no self respecting person that could, would pass on the opportunity to get laid; for free, and obv without a good reason to decline. then, and only then, it's others people's fault...

Elba - 23 December 15:58

Crap, that's a pretty ass!

Carolann - 3 October 19:20

She'd do this to me every single day if I could get over to her place. Loves pleasing me.

Ocean. Age: 27
Luda. Age: 21
Benigna. Age: 18