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Comments (7)

Wava - 13 September 15:21

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Laurence - 16 November 12:04

I never actually got tested for any STD, but I donate blood regularly and I haven't received ant notification discouraging me to do so. Should I take this as though I'm tested and clean?

Moan - 30 June 12:25

She's a very didicated grandma!

Lavanchy - 1 March 07:47

As an atheist, should I make a point to demean the religious people who want to promote my rights? Obviously, Universalist Unitarians aren't a part of the skeptic community any more than straight allies are part of the queer community. But that doesn't make them any less worthy of respect for their efforts.

Craig - 17 December 09:07

Lucky lucky bastard

Maddalena. Age: 22
Inna. Age: 26
Rose. Age: 25