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Comments (4)

Kathlyn - 1 January 16:27

Sexy fille soif l’intimite sexuelle.

Admin - 4 March 11:18

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Chadwick - 22 January 12:44

Not that huge

Cucchiaro - 9 March 08:19

nice one

Wonda - 23 July 17:03

Nice- like the way she comes

Eugene - 17 June 04:21

Not nasty had all. Quite horny looking and I certainly would spend time with her.

Warren - 30 January 19:22

That last point about PCOS, sexual dissatisfaction, hit hard. I have PCOS, and have decided to wait until marriage before having sex for a variety of reasons (previous experiences with boyfriends, talks with friends, and yes, religion), but the way you mentioned sexual dissatisfaction and all that comes with it makes me wonder if my PCOS is the root cause of my decision. Definitely going to have to think about this for a while.

Coaker - 23 August 04:48
