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Comments (9)

Bo - 10 March 02:56

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Gerstenberger - 3 September 08:11

Dans la nuit du vendredi 22 décembre , on a fait le tour de certains Bars, Motels et Hôtels de la ville. Car selon elle, elle doit bien apparaitre devant ses amis.

Bose - 11 October 21:46

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Herbert - 21 March 23:18

This wasn't really helpful, except in a kumbaya, we're all ok kind of way, which I guess was the point, but I need more. I've personally gotten into big arguments with other women over this who wouldn't believe me and left it at well, if you say so, whatever. which is a very frustrating situation, so I can't really blame an old scientist guy for not believing it. I don't understand why this is still some big mystery in 2018.В

Jeremiah - 25 August 11:58

I would fuck the shit out of you

Nicky - 27 February 08:13

I so want the big breasted one.

Nikolina. Age: 29
Haley. Age: 28
Azzurra. Age: 19