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Comments (8)

Licausi - 8 January 15:14

Doux, aime son petit trou. Appelez, passer des heures together, et moi seul.

Sharpsteen - 4 October 17:08

Vous recevrez de tels services sexuels: Lesbi, Massage relaxant.

Amber - 17 September 20:58

Oh look, a fake doctor with a bull crap degree from an unaccredited institution giving her bull crap opinion and attempting to shame people for having a sexual preference. Shes a doctor like I'm the Pope.

Daniel - 5 July 09:09

My wife did the same thing when I was on deployment in the service,she was a wild thing when I got home!

Chet - 25 May 09:41

Ahh dr doe, the sex ed teacher we dreamed of.

Menton - 30 May 06:38

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Jerald - 10 January 19:45

i am like