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Comments (9)

Aretha - 19 March 10:43

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Tosha - 22 May 19:02

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Rupert - 24 October 06:54

Pic 20 heaven, Libby is so perfect for me. So beautiful. I want everything to do with her and I want to do everything with her.

Stead - 6 May 15:57

I'd love to fuck u

Hoster - 7 August 11:07

What's to explain? You're into dragons. Go look up the 'scalies subset of the furry community and enjoy.

Adan - 19 May 08:54

I live in GA and remember this question being asked by the teacher, What's the safest form of sex? Some students said to use a condom. The teacher replied, Nope, abstinence. That is like saying whats the safest way to ski down a mountain? By not skiing at all.

Edita. Age: 21
Irene. Age: 25
Claire. Age: 25