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Comments (2)

Bruzewski - 21 October 17:45

Arrete inviter images, doute, craignons. Ici rien reflechir, conseiller simplement rencontre et de passer du temps ensemble, et de tendresse et d’affection je garantis!

Parmenter - 15 January 04:12

Semble avoir de ne signifie pas ou.

Stofsky - 10 January 21:12

I like this action very interestingly

Tunby - 2 June 10:41

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Audria - 11 April 11:43

People must be proteted from manipulation because the controllersi n slavery thigns and such were horrible people and somehow their successors are put into next row of things so they also have mind control things and actually indeed. or perhaps the aliens take over you instead of В the bad people. wich sounds good.

Mcglon - 20 November 13:01

Id love to cum in her tight asshole

Huth - 18 January 12:30

I know, right? I was a little weirded out at first, but I'm glad I got to do her a favor.

Tiro - 10 December 20:12

I said I am willing to accept there are pedophiles that don't act on their fantasy. I never said I would be okay with that act being perpetrated on a child. The world is not black and white I would NEVER be okay with children being sexualized. I know it's hard to grasp this concept because pedophilia sooo distrubing but please try to distinguish two thoughts here: one I am not saying in any way that pedophilia is okay. two I said I can understand that some few pedophiles don't perpetrate.