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Comments (8)

Daniel - 6 August 06:19

Bloque sur photos, aucun n’osera, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier penser, conseiller aujourd’hui telephoner et passer agreablement soiree, qualite sexe toi fournirai!

Ruka - 27 June 11:58

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Dez - 9 July 21:01

Your wife is not fat, especially compared to you. She's lovely, post more of her.

Hettie - 20 June 09:09

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Mark - 11 October 05:11

That was fucken awesome

Baggott - 4 August 13:10

No, not that one. I said get the REALLY BIG one!

Candida - 2 February 13:15

I guess I agree with you, but it feels harsh and overly negative. There are many people who absolutely LOVE intoxicated sex, and establish consent guidelines with people they care about and trust before hand. Your stance would imply this is shameful. Shame from other people has no place in the sexual pleasure and preferences of happy, consenting adults, with a healthy sexual relationship.