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Comments (10)

Markita - 22 April 22:18

Reve vous homme a la maison lits, moi ici tres ennuyeux sans toi!

Hefler - 19 April 10:57

Service de Massage à Domicile sur Sahel Massage relaxant, réflexologie, californien; les prix sont à la porter de touts le monde.

Belia - 17 March 15:30

Sounded like he was getting the demons sucked out of him

Bahner - 14 April 15:40

Awesome and informative video! Great job Sexplanations!

Maarx - 2 January 18:39

Well, it's ok then. I said I'll agree to disagree with you because I thought we were going nowhere. Maybe you're concerned about younger viewers, I'm not that young nor old (since I'm 20), but I guess she is talking to a certain population and not so younger viewers, at least that is what I think.

Dell - 19 February 11:32

waste of time

Bessie - 1 November 06:56

i want to get fucked with out money i am a gay