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Comments (7)

Aretha - 5 June 14:18

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Garay - 9 August 21:15

But hey at least I know now. #staycurious

Crosbie - 30 August 09:40

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Kolker - 11 September 08:52

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Petta - 4 May 06:17

You make a great point, but it's the parents decision to do what they think is best for their child. Babies are circumcised because it would be too painful as adults, and for religions it's necessary to have that circumcision. Parents want their children to carry on their religion. you could further go into on whether it's fair for parents to impose their religion on their children, but that's a different topic. I do agree with you, but not giving their children a circumcision isnt an option

Allegriya. Age: 26
Leonora. Age: 29
Cosima. Age: 22