Putains Haut

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Comments (3)

Castiglia - 4 November 09:58

Passionne minou attente insatiable homme.

Baggott - 20 May 07:16

Jump to. Sections of this page.

Demetria - 9 July 20:13

What a lot of people are saying is that the labels actally in question in this discussion are a haven of community to people who generally grow up feeling fairly dispossessed. That community gives a center in just having something to belong to. Not allowing people who don't share that experience into that label doesn't mean we don't talk to them or trust them, it is just good to have a place that isn't theirs. The label can literally be all that is and still be a comfort.

Shante - 17 January 12:10


Lilliana - 15 January 12:05

I agree with this but I really want to know how sexual orientations are not some form of internalized sexism/misogyny/transphobia.

Katzaman - 14 February 17:46

all I ever drm off is fucking a marrid woman and shooting my spunk all over her wedding ring times ad she gives me a hand job id love that

Wartenberg - 5 December 21:15

Dr. Doe, Have you seen the documentary movie The Hunting Ground about sexual assault on college campuses? I found it very disturbing that women (and men are not always safe from attacks and the colleges and universities many times side with the perpetrators (especially if they are star athletes). I would like to know your thoughts on this film.

Buchs - 16 September 10:54

Great tits. Love to cum between them.